TJT with Dar #4: Finding the Joy in Celebrations
Celebrations of any kind can be tricky when living with MBC. On today's Think Joy Thursday Episode we will reflect on how we love them, how we dread them and how we can experience joyful celebrations no matter where our lives are at the moment.

TJT with Dar #3: Gratitude and it’s Importance in Living a Joyful Life
With the holiday season fast approaching, it is a great time to talk about gratitude and how important it is to have a joyful life. Making gratitude a part of your life, just like breathing, is such a huge help if you are searching for joy. But you can't just conjure up a life lived in gratitude. - unlike being thankful, which exists in the mind, gratitude is an appreciation that comes from the heart. It has to be cultivated and practiced. Today's #ThinkJoyThursday explores ways to do this and even offers some helpful hints to make joy a habit in your life.

Episode 7: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
Welcome to the next episode of our Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind.
In today's meditation, we will be focusing on our life and the 10,000 joys and the 10,000 sorrows that have passed through it and all of our combined lives

TJT with Dar #2: What’s Perspective Got to Do With It?
On this episode of #ThinkJoyThursday, we will be exploring the relationship between perspective and joy. Choosing the way you look at the world is a major key in having a joyful life. You can learn that it is possible to hold joy and sorrow in the same hand by using perspective. It’s not always easy to do this, so we will discuss ways to incorporate perspective into your life, as well as some tips and tricks to make it become your go-to tool when confronted with difficult situations.

Episode 6: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
Welcome to the next episode of our Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind.
In today's meditation, we will be focusing on how in meditation we're listening to ourselves and finding space to open up and offer ourselves the attention and the care.

TJT with Dar #1: The Difference Between Joy and Happiness
On this episode of Think Joy Thursday, we will be exploring the difference between happiness and joy. We will share some scientific research that has been done to determine if we are pre-disposed to being joyful and will delve into ways to help you spot true joy. We will explore how to have joy even if you are experiencing difficult life circumstances by sharing ways to find joy when confronted with both the big and small challenges of life.

Episode 5: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
Welcome to the next episode of our Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind.
In today's meditation, we will be focusing on having a sense of being in community, having the support of the community.

Episode 4: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
Welcome to the next episode of our Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind.
There are a lot of principles of meditation or of the practice that contains meditation.
Being with the truth of whatever is here in this moment with compassion and without judgement and knowing that we're not any one thing because we are constantly changing, is at the heart of this practic

Episode 3: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
Welcome to the next episode of our Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind.
Why do we meditate? We meditate to be aware of ourselves, and we meditate to concentrate, and we meditate to develop compassion.
Our meditation leader is Barbara Chutroo, a longtime meditator, experienced meditation teacher, and an MBC patient.

Episode 2: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
Welcome to the Meditation Mondays series, created with MBC patients in mind and designed for people who want to assist their body's natural tendency to repair and heal. The focus of this episode is practice of awareness. When we meditate, what do we learn about ourselves?
Our meditation leader is Barbara Chutroo, an MBC patient herself. Barbara is a longtime meditator and experienced meditation teacher. She's also a movement therapist and a clinical social worker.

Living Alone with MBC
Living with metastatic breast cancer is hard enough, but for those who are single or do not have a primary caregiver, living alone with MBC can be especially challenging. With some extra planning and working out who can support you, however, it is possible to continue to live alone well even when you have MBC. In this episode, we speak with four amazing ladies from the US & Canada, who generously share their experiences, feelings, and plans for living alone while navigating MBC. We then discuss some helpful resources for finding social & emotional support, legal & financial resources, and coordinating care. Finally, we end by sharing Lesley Kailani Glenn’s story of deciding to leave a thirty year marriage while diagnosed with MBC. Join us for this real but hopeful discussion! *Note: individuals in this episode share their thoughts on medical aid in dying as one part of this rich conversation.

Newly Diagnosed with MBC: Tests, Terms, & Tips with Dr. Rebecca Shatsky
Being diagnosed with MBC can feel like you’ve been dropped into a dangerous and alien landscape, one whose inhabitants speak a new and confusing language. Numb and bewildered, you face a mountain of medical decisions—each with seemingly high stakes. The last in Our MBC Life’s 3-part series for people newly diagnosed with MBC, this episode's interview with Dr. Rebecca Shatsky, interspersed with experienced-patient voices, sheds light on cancer types, tests, and treatment—and empowers listeners to navigate this challenging new terrain with understanding, knowledge, and confidence.

Newly Diagnosed & Trailblazing: An Interview with Michelle Anderson-Benjamin
In this episode, Our MBC Life sits down with patient and advocate Michelle Anderson-Benjamin, founder of The Fearless Warrior Project. During the pandemic, Michelle was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and then with metastatic breast cancer shortly after she completed initial treatment. An experienced healthcare professional, a mom of two kids, and a wife who poured all her energy into others, Michelle says the diagnosis of MBC put a "battery in her back" to refocus attention on herself. This candid conversation has a lot to offer those newly diagnosed with MBC, and will inspire all of us.

Newly Diagnosed with MBC: Keeping Your Balance on the Emotional Rollercoaster
Hearing the words “you have metastatic breast cancer” is devastating. Whether your diagnosis comes de novo or months, years, or even decades after treatment for early-stage breast cancer, there is no way to prepare for the terror, anger, despair, and sense of freefall that follows. You’ll hear from oncology social worker Lisa Nelson and a candid group of patients on the challenges of processing the diagnosis.

Episode 1: Meditation Mondays with Barbara Chutroo
This guided meditation was recorded during one of Share Cancer Support’s support groups for patients with metastatic breast cancer. The meditation leader is Barbara Chutroo, who is a member of the group. We intend to publish a new meditation episode on the third Monday of every month

MBC Advocacy: Finding Purpose in Adversity
After a Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) diagnosis, patients and the people around them are often left reeling and looking around to figure out how to make some sort of meaning from the trauma. The guests and representatives from LBBC and METAvivor on this episode share how finding purpose in the midst of adversity has helped them to truly LIVE with MBC. Don’t forget to listen all the way to the end as guest producer, Abigail Johnston, has some specific calls to action to share!

Meditation, Mindfulness, and MBC: Finding Your Inner Calm
Can mindfulness and meditation help many of us living with MBC tame anxiety, improve emotional balance, and experience more joy? Expert guests and our patient panel share how this ancient practice can make a daily difference. Bonus: our podcast includes a special guided meditation created with MBC patients in mind.

Laughter as Medicine
Is laughter good medicine? These breast cancer survivors/thrivers say: Yes!

Facing Mortality
Welcome to a special episode of our podcast. In April of 2021 a prominent clinical psychologist Dr Anne Kane joined SHARE’s Program Project Manager Deb Hackenberry in a discussion about the implications of facing mortality while also living as Dr Kane puts it as fully, richly, and deeply as possible. This episode is an audio version of the webinar about a very real, yet seldomly discussed issue.

Project Life and A Dash of Joy
“It is very important for us who are living with MBC to be able to go to a place where we know it’s safe to just be who we are.” This month’s Trailblazer is Project Life, a virtual wellness house that recently set up residence in cyberspace. The co-hosts Victoria Goldberg and Dar Finkelstein speak with the founder and the CEO of Project Life Leslie Glenn and its COO Jackie Seiner about the origin of the project, MBC wellness and survivorship.