Meditation, Mindfulness, and MBC: Finding Your Inner Calm
Inspired by a very enthusiastic response to monthly meditation sessions from one of SHARE’s MBC support groups, this episode kicks off our plan to post these recorded mediation sessions on the Our MBC Life website.
April Pichon, Oncology social worker at Houston Methodist Cancer Center, and Barbara Chutroo, long-time meditator and social worker, join OMBCL co-hosts Nancy Roylance, Victoria Goldberg and Miranda Gonzales in an exploration of how meditation and mindfulness can help MBC patients find calm amid the stresses of living with the disease. You’ll also hear participants from SHARE’s Monday night MBC support group reflect on the group’s meditation sessions, which are led by Ms. Chutroo--an MBC patient herself and a member of the group. And we conclude with a 20-minute guided meditation created with MBC patients in mind.
While meditation and mindfulness have increasingly become part of popular culture, the actual practices can be intimidating and even mysterious to the uninitiated--or, worse yet, one more thing to add to the already long to-do list. So, think of this podcast as a chance to hear different perspectives and approaches, some practical suggestions for getting started, and a candid discussion of the benefits and challenges of these practices. Most of all, it is an invitation to “join” our guided meditation, and maybe embrace some calm along the way.
Below are some meditation and mindfulness resources recommended by this episode’s guests. They include apps, meditation organizations that offer online and offline sessions, classes and retreats, and other resources Needless to say, this is a tiny sample of all that’s available. So, keep looking until you find what resonates with you and unlocks your own experience of inner peace and joy.
Episode Notes
Meditation and Mindfulness Apps
Insight Meditation Timer (free)
Organizations, Teachers, or Websites with Comprehensive Resources
Insight Meditation Society Online classes, resources and events; virtual and in-person retreats in Barre, Massachusetts.
Spirit Rock Insight Meditation Center Online classes, resources and events; virtual and in-person retreats in Woodacre, California.
Tara Brach Meditation Recorded meditations and talks; live meditations on youtube and facebook; strong emphasis on self-compassion
Dharmaseed Extraordinary collection of recorded meditations and talks by many teachers along with other meditation resources.
Research and Articles
Mindfulness in Cancer Care: Hype or Help?
Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress and Strengthen Your Immune System
Evidence for the Role of Mindfulness in Cancer: Benefits and Techniques