Dr. Nancy Lin: Are CNS Mets Becoming More Treatable? What’s New with STOP-HER2?
Dr. Priya Kumthekar: Glimpses of Hope for Leptomeningeal Metastases

Dr. Priya Kumthekar: Glimpses of Hope for Leptomeningeal Metastases

Co-hosts Victoria Goldberg and Dr. Paula Jayne sit down with neuro-oncologist Dr. Priya Kumthekar to talk about leptomeningeal metastases: what they are, how are they treated, and what research is upcoming, including a discussion on ANGled, the new Phase 3 trial for MBC patients newly diagnosed with leptomeningeal metastases.

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MBC101 - What Happens When MBC Spreads to the Brain?

MBC101 - What Happens When MBC Spreads to the Brain?

On 10/12/21  Lianne Kraemer, an MBC patient advocate living with brain mets , and SHARE hosted two brilliant young clinicians from Moffitt in a discussion on management of breast cancer brain metastases. Today we are bringing you this webinar with our additional commentary. We will let you in on a little secret. This episode is a glimpse into how we envision the next season’s Road to a Cure. It will include more content with an educational angle for the newly diagnosed or those who are ready to take a deeper dive with us into the basics. We call it MBC101.

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Road to a Cure - Dr. Heather Parsons & Dr. Nancy Lin

Road to a Cure - Dr. Heather Parsons & Dr. Nancy Lin

The Road to a Cure series heads to Boston to have Senior Producer and Co-host, Victoria Goldberg and co-host Dr. Paula Jayne speak with Dr. Nancy Lin and Dr. Heather Parsons about the possibilities and the current barriers to considering a cure for HER2+ MBC. Dr. Parsons and Dr. Lin are medical oncologists and professors at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Lin is also the Director of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Program and the Associate Chief of the Division of Breast Oncology at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. While an amazing gift, long-term survival among some HER2+ patients can also sometimes bring special challenges. Given the higher prevalence of brain metastases among HER2+ patients, Drs. Lin and Parsons also discuss current research on brain mets, along with areas of promising overall MBC research for each subtype.

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Nancy U. Lin, MD