Martha Carson is Thriving Together with MBC
Written by Nancy Roylance
Here’s what Martha Carlson, a senior producer on the Our MBC Life podcast and a member of LBBC has to say about what the LBBC MBC conference has meant to her since her MBC diagnosis in 2015.

I am NOT Cancer
Today we have a special feature, two poems by a friend of this podcast Sandra Moss who is living with MBC.
“Sandy’s voice in these two poems demonstrates the premise that we all have something to say - and Sandy has generously agreed to share her work with us here..”
Poems by Sandra Moss. Foreword written by Ilene Kaminsky whose blog Cancer Bus is a must-read for poetry lovers
Edited by Victoria Goldberg

Barbara Bigelow: One Tough Unicorn
An addendum to The Searching for Unicorns Pod. Just like Judy Perkins, Barbara Bigelow is a clinical trial success story. As she once put it. "I don’t know of anyone like me, I have had the longest durable response to immunotherapy at Dana Farber. I feel like I’m an anomaly.” In this thuly special blog Barbara tells her own remarkable story.
Written by Barbara Bigelow. Barbara’s quote curtesy of Katherine O’Brien from the article “Metastatic Breast Cancer and the Apparent Triumph of Immunotherapy: Thoughts from a Patient.”

“We will not go back to normal.”
Written by Lisa Laudico
As the inaugural season of Our MBC Life comes to a close, the pod’s mastermind, its creative director and senior producer Lisa Laudico sums up the season, talks about the team at Our MBC Life, how “it all came to be,” and what made her feel less alone and helpless during a very bleak year.

Audio Remembrance Quilt
This is a very special blog and my call to action.
Written by Victoria Goldberg

Finding Joy While Living with MBC
This week’s blog comes from our listener and SHARE’s MBC Helpline Volunteer, Dar Finkelstein. Dar discusses her search for Joy in the middle of a life filled with doctors, shots, pills and scans and offers some simple practices she has put in place to keep her focus on the feeling of Joy. Dar is a professional clown and runs not just one, but two Facebook groups devoted to this very subject: Making Our Best MBC Life and Choose to Live With Joy. She knows of what she speaks.
Written by Dar Finkelstein

Skipping Down Fifth Avenue
Our first guest blogger is SHARE’s MBC volunteer and a dear friend, Alison Greenberg. According to Cancer.Net, 6% of those living with MBC, were initially diagnosed at Stage IV. In August of 2013 Alison became one of them. In this funny and poignant post she talks about the shock of receiving a Stage IV diagnosis and comes up with a clever and original way to describe her fears.
Written by Alison Greenberg