“We will not go back to normal.”
Written by Lisa Laudico
As the inaugural season of Our MBC Life comes to a close, the pod’s mastermind, its creative director and senior producer Lisa Laudico sums up the season, talks about the team at Our MBC Life, how “it all came to be,” and what made her feel less alone and helpless during a very bleak year.

Skipping Down Fifth Avenue
Our first guest blogger is SHARE’s MBC volunteer and a dear friend, Alison Greenberg. According to Cancer.Net, 6% of those living with MBC, were initially diagnosed at Stage IV. In August of 2013 Alison became one of them. In this funny and poignant post she talks about the shock of receiving a Stage IV diagnosis and comes up with a clever and original way to describe her fears.
Written by Alison Greenberg