“We will not go back to normal.”
Written by Lisa Laudico
As the inaugural season of Our MBC Life comes to a close, the pod’s mastermind, its creative director and senior producer Lisa Laudico sums up the season, talks about the team at Our MBC Life, how “it all came to be,” and what made her feel less alone and helpless during a very bleak year.

Audio Remembrance Quilt
This is a very special blog and my call to action.
Written by Victoria Goldberg

Finding Joy While Living with MBC
This week’s blog comes from our listener and SHARE’s MBC Helpline Volunteer, Dar Finkelstein. Dar discusses her search for Joy in the middle of a life filled with doctors, shots, pills and scans and offers some simple practices she has put in place to keep her focus on the feeling of Joy. Dar is a professional clown and runs not just one, but two Facebook groups devoted to this very subject: Making Our Best MBC Life and Choose to Live With Joy. She knows of what she speaks.
Written by Dar Finkelstein