Our MBC Life

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MBC Around the World

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Without the jetlag, we had great conversations with Dr. Fatima Cordoso, Vesna Zic-Cote, Advisory Board Member of Canada’s RETHINK Breast Cancer, Aiko Brody of Japanese SHARE, Dr. Rania Azmi of Kuwait’s Fadia Survive and Thrive Cancer Association, Rod Ritchie of Breast Cancer Network Australia, Chris Chukwunyere of Nigeria, Lesley Kailani Glen of Project Life & Kenya’s Faraja Cancer Support, and Jo Taylor of METUPUK.

Everyone here at the pod is sending out love during this month of October.  It can be tough, we know, for so so many reasons.  We have more than a little love in our heart for you.  

“I think if you care about someone and you got a little love in your heart, there ain’t nothin you can’t get through together.” TED LASSO

Mentioned in this Episode

(In order of interview)

Vesna Zic-Cote - Canada

  1. Rethink Breast Cancer:  https://rethinkbreastcancer.com

  2. Ibrance (Palbociclib):  https://www.ibrance.com

  3. Ottowa Monthly Gatherings:  https://www.ottawamonthlygatherings.ca

  4. MBC Ally Campaign:  https://e-activist.com/page/68028/petition/1

  5. Most Beautiful Collalboration:  https://www.shamoftheperfect.com/featured-project-kelly-manweilers-most-beautiful-collaboration

  6. Canadian Cancer Society:  https://cancer.ca/en

  7. Canadian Breast Cancer Network:  https://www.cbcn.ca/en

  8. Turning the Page on Cancer:  https://www.turningthepageoncancer.com

  9. Uncovered: A Breast Recognition Project: https://rethinkbreastcancer.com/breastrecognitionproject

Aiko Brody - Japan

  1. SHARE Cancer Support: sharecancersupport.org

  2. SHARE (Japanese):  sharejp.org

Dr. Rania Azmi - Kuwait/Egypt

  1. Living Beyond Breast Cancer:  www.lbbc.org

  2. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation: komen.org

  3. American Society of Clinical Oncology:  www.asco.org

  4. Fadia Survive and Thrive Cancer Association, Kuwait:  https://www.uicc.org/membership/fadia-survive-thrive-association

  5. Union for International Cancer Control:  https://www.uicc.org

  6. Integrative Oncology:  https://www.oncolink.org/support/practical-and-emotional/integrative-therapies-spirituality/all-about-integrative-oncology

  7. G.R.A.S.P. – Guiding Researchers and Advocates to Scientific Partnerships:  https://graspcancer.org/

Dr. Fatima Cardoso - Portugal/Europe

  1. Champalimaud Clinical Center:  https://www.fchampalimaud.org/champalimaud-clinical-centre

  2. Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance:  https://www.abcglobalalliance.org/articles/advanced-breast-cancer/

  3. Silent Voice Survey

  4. Breach Survey

  5. Dr. Eric Winer:  https://www.dana-farber.org/find-a-doctor/eric-p-winer/

  6. Lobular Breast Cancer Information:  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/invasive-lobular-carcinoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20373973

  7. Definition of liquid biopsy in regard to cancer tumor detection:  https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/liquid-biopsy

  8. Guardant360:  https://www.therapyselect.de/en/guardant360/faq

  9. Dr. Stephanie Goff:  https://biography.omicsonline.org/united-states-of-america/national-cancer-institute/stephanie-l-goff-200038

  10. Definition of Immunotherapy:  https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/immunotherapy

  11. Trastuzumab (Herceptin):  https://chemocare.com/chemotherapy/drug-info/trastuzumab.aspx

  12. Theresa’s Research Foundation:  https://theresasresearch.org/

  13. Europa Donna, The European Breast Cancer Coalition:  https://www.europadonna.org/

  14. European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer:  https://healthcare-quality.jrc.ec.europa.eu/

  15. Breast International Group:  https://www.bigagainstbreastcancer.org/

  16. Breast Cancer Research Foundation:  https://www.bcrf.org/

  17. Stereotactic radiation:  https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/stereotactic-radiation-therapy

Chris Chukwunyere & Lesley Kailani Glenn - Nigeria/Kenya

  1. Project Life:  projectlifembc.com

  2. Faraja Cancer Support:  https://farajacancersupport.org/

  3. A Fresh Chapter:  afreshchapter.com

  4. Nigerian Cancer Society:  https://cancernig.org

Rod Ritchie - Australia

  1. Male Breast Cancer Awareness and Beyond:  https://malebc.org

  2. Male Breast Cancer Coalition:  https://malebreastcancercoalition.org

  3. Male Breast Cancer Manifesto:  https://malebc.org/manifesto

  4. Breast Cancer Network Australia:  https://www.bcna.org.au

  1. Vesna Zic-Cote

  1. Rethink Breast Cancer:  https://rethinkbreastcancer.com

  2. Ibrance (Palbociclib):  https://www.ibrance.com

  3. Ottowa Monthly Gatherings:  https://www.ottawamonthlygatherings.ca

  4. MBC Ally Campaign:  https://e-activist.com/page/68028/petition/1

  5. Most Beautiful Collalboration:  https://www.shamoftheperfect.com/featured-project-kelly-manweilers-most-beautiful-collaboration

  6. Canadian Cancer Society:  https://cancer.ca/en

  7. Canadian Breast Cancer Network:  https://www.cbcn.ca/en

  8. Turning the Page on Cancer:  https://www.turningthepageoncancer.com

Uncovered: A Breast Recognition Project: https://rethinkbreastcancer.com/breastrecognitionproject

Jo Taylor - METUPUK - England

  1. National Health Service in England:  https://www.england.nhs.uk

  2. Oligometastatic cancer: https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/oligometastasis

  3. After Breast Cancer Diagnosis:  https://www.abcdiagnosis.co.uk

  4. Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Technique:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5893752

  5. Met Up UK:  https://metupuk.org.uk

  6. Charitable Incorporated Organisation:  https://www.formationsdirect.com/what-is-a-charitable-incorporated-organisation

  7. Greater Manchester Cancer Breast Cancer Pathway Board:  https://gmcancer.org.uk/our-areas-of-work/pathway-boards/breast

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