Each October, Our MBC Life marks Breast Cancer Awareness month with a special episode dedicated to all those who died from metastatic breast cancer over the past year. 

To live with your own diagnosis or to be a loved one, caregiver, or friend of someone with MBC is to inhabit a community of loss. Every day, we confront the reality of mortality and struggle to balance fear with hope, and sorrow with joy. “We Remember” is OMBCL’s opportunity to give voice to the profound grief we share and to honor and celebrate each person we’ve lost. It’s a chance to express our gratitude for the extraordinary and unique ways they made our lives richer and our often collective grief over their loss.    

We invite you to bear witness with us to this outpouring of love for those lost to MBC over the last year.  Above all, may you find the space and tools to tend to your grief as you continue to love and honor those lost.  

Episode Notes

Living with Grief 

Psychology Today has a therapist search engine where you search first by zip code and then use  filters to narrow your search by insurance, the type of therapy you are interested in (and “grief” and “chronic illness” are selections you can check), along with many other options.   Pro tip:  you are looking for grief to be a top focus – be wary of therapists who have a laundry list of topics they “specialize” in. 

We remember:

Frida Pineda Alvear

Kim Angell

Angela ‘Jersi’ Baker

Michelle Barett Gower

Gina Bertin

Denise Bolster

MJ Borelli

Laura Bowers 

Pamela Byrd

Ann Camden

Dr Laverne Janice Carlson

Peggy Cohen

Ciara Collins

Shannen Dohtery

Ann Fonfa 

Erika Guerrero

Natalia Green 

Beth Harvey 

Nancy Herard-Marshall

Lori Holmes

Sheila Marie Johnson

Brooke Jones

Kathy Kennedy

Elizabeth (Beth) Greco Kulow

Robin Levine

Maureen Levy

Aracelli Lopez

Rachael Lillis

Anna Maddox

Deborah Maffe O’Leary

Gwen Manchion

Sara Mandel

Stephanie Marsh

Kim McIntyre-Rathur

Libby Lew Miller

Marlena Murphy

Leila Saxby Ross

Cathy Sbarbaro

Katie Thielens

Eboney Thompson


Protecting Our Loved Ones at Risk